EAT. And don’ t stop

Dieting has been a craze for who knows how long, but in reality, it doesn’t bring results and is actually super unhealthy. You should never sacrifice eating simply for the sake of looking better; the only reason you should not indulge in say chocolate is FOR YOURSELF AND FOR YOUR HEALTH. Yeah, don’t eat a... Continue Reading →

Current Workout Routine

I thought I would tell you guys my general workout routine so maybe you could get some ideas on what to do or just if you were curious. I generally spilt my days into either cardio or target, which means targeted muscle groups such as abs, glutes, or arms. Normally, I dedicate an entire day... Continue Reading →


Unplug. Seems kind of like a foreign concept these days because we never do. We are constantly surrounded by technology, whether it’s scrolling through Instagram or even just listening to music. These days, stepping away from tech for even 15 minutes is just unheard of and this is detrimental to a person’s mental health. Constantly,... Continue Reading →

Skincare on the Go

It’s the last edition of my “on the go” series for this year… I’m kind of sad because that means summer is ending. Never mind though. Vacation is equally good for my skin as it is bad. On one side, all my acne magically disappears, but then I suddenly become extremely greasy and oily. So,... Continue Reading →

Eating on the Go

Ahhhhh… vacation is absolute bliss, up until the moment you realize that you have been piling heaps of junk food into your body and then you have a slight panic attack. But, really stop worrying. First of all, a week of bad eating isn’t going to hurt and you’ve probably earned it. And secondly, there... Continue Reading →

Makeup on the Go

Makeup is a must for any vacation because how else are you supposed to get those bomb pictures? But, makeup is heavy. And takes up a lot of room. But, fear not! I have the easy and fairly obvious solution... MINIS. MINIS. MINIS. Should I say it again? MINIS. They are the key to packing... Continue Reading →

Trail Mix: the Holy Grail

I am sorry to all those people out there allergic to tree nuts because they are missing a seriously delicious source of protein. But it’s not just those people missing out. A lot of my non-allergic friends don’t like to eat nuts because they don’t think they taste good and honestly, I can relate. Up... Continue Reading →

Exercising on the Go

It is the best time of the year: summer vacation! No school, more fun. Everyone is traveling now and with travel comes lots an lots of food, and with that food comes some inevitable weight gain… unless you keep working out. Now I’m not saying that taking a break from exercising is a bad thing,... Continue Reading →

My Definition

One would think that a definition is definitive, but really it isn’t. Merriam Webster has a definition for happiness, but everyone seems to have a different idea of what happy means. Similarly, there is a seemingly universal definition for mental health. Merriam Webster defines mental health as: the condition of being sound mentally and emotionally... Continue Reading →

Magic Water = Rose Water

Rose water has been all the skincare hype lately, but what most people don’t know is that it has been around for a very long time. My grandma has been putting rose water on her face since she was a teenager and trust me, she looks at least 10 years younger than her age and... Continue Reading →

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